
Mission Management Software


A moving-map display with a geospatial database used for 3D situational awareness and workflow management and capable of providing a common operating picture from various data sources.

GEOFOCIS is a lightweight, high-performance aircraft system for recording, storing, and managing data and visualizing real-time information to enhance mission performance. GeoFOCIS can ingest data from sources such as video, imagery, radar, communications, reports/mission data, weather data, crowd-sourced data, and more. It includes analysis tools and workflows for building, disseminating, and archiving products. Furthermore, GeoFOCIS features real-time aircraft tracking as well as augmented reality capabilities that allow for archived products and data to be displayed on the user interface in real time. During a mission, users can view and search for geospatial products within live or recorded video.


Kingair Aircraft, mission management software, geofocis
  • Real-time data and aircraft tracking on a 3D globe
  • Visually-correlated products from multiple assets
  • Digital video recording (DVR) with playback on terrain
  • Searchable database with real-time and archived data
  • Analysis tools, symbology, and workflows for product generation

GeoFOCIS cooperates with a variety of systems, minimizing customer costs by leveraging existing systems and infrastructure. It contains no proprietary data model and features out-of-the-box support for numerous data formats.

Aerial Firefighting

GeoFOCIS Helps in Brush Fire Battle

AEVEX’s GeoFOCIS software receives kudos for the Brush Fire near Carlsbad, CA from Assistant Fire Chief Nick Ordille for Carlsbad on Fox 5 News. GeoFOCIS is the mission management software used by sensor operators to relay fire perimeter data and chat in realtime with first responders and emergency personnel on the ground. AEVEX also provides turnkey aerial ISR solutions from procuring and outfitting aircraft to providing aircrew and analysts to meet customer needs.

Compatible Systems & Data
EO/IR Hyperspectral
FMV Digital mapping
WAMI Ground sensors
G/DMTI Terrain elevation
LiDAR Weather data
SAR Crowd-sourced data
Key Specifications
Video Recording Format: MPEG-2 TS
Resolution: Configurable up to 1080p
Frame Rate: Configurable up to 60 Hz
KLV Metadata: STANAG 4609, MISB 601
Still Frames Format: NITF, GeoTIFF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, KML
Drawing Format: SHP, KML

Gimballed Camera Command & Control


Aerial Firefighting

Gimbal Icon

GeoFOCIS provides advanced mission management

Manage collection decks in-flight, visualize multiple livestreams and data types at the same time, edit/create/export new data sets, disseminate reports via chat or connected portals/S3 buckets, hotkeys and configurable windows for faster workflows.

  • Multiple Sensors

    Supports MISB-compliant payloads with past performance including FLIR 380 Series, WESCAM MX-Series, Thales I-Master (GMTI/radar), and Overwatch Imaging TK-9 (MSI)

  • DVR & Live Broadcast

    Record, replay, and generate various durations of clips highlighting activity. Turn on/off microphone feature for narration. Broadcast your data via mesh networking (MANET) and SATCOM.

  • Augemented Reality

    Visualize the video collection over 3D terrain and layered with historic data brought aboard aircraft or within a GCS

database icon

GeoFOCIS visualizes all GEOINT data from a single interface.

Visualize multiple live streams at the same time, setup audio/visual alerts for aircraft proximity so you know when you’re minutes out from collecting. Create templated callouts and store them in a SQL database to use later within the GeoFOCIS map display.

  • Analyst Workflows

    Templated tactical callouts for near real-time activity tracking, situation reports, and rollups. Strategic NGA structured observation management (SOM) callouts with easily managed mission logs.

  • Leverage Historic Data

    Quickly search for data within your current map extent, identify if you have recorded video in a given region, and leverage Eye View augmented reality to view the data draped over your livestream.

  • Viasat Thirdeye AI/ML*

    Real-time automated reporting and alerts of persons/vehicles, subclasses, color (kernel) classification, and location with user-defined alerts, geofencing, historic detection searches and graph databasing

Firefighting Icon

GeoFOCIS informs your first responders in real-time.

Livestream video and vector data into the palms of first responders. Pass data to ATAK and/or your common operating picture of interest while the aircrew can visualize positions of first responders on the ground and alert them of danger.

  • Fire Perimeter Mapping For Sensor Operators

    Ingest AI/ML*-derived fire perimeters, manually trace fire perimeters using augmented reality and 3D terrain for more accuracy.

  • Seamless Data

    Generate content and send reports in near real-time via chat, vector data directly into ATAK and/or an application of choice*, ingest new vector/raster map data to see areas of interest from ground teams.

  • Autonomous Scanning

    Increase the value of your air collection by enabling the sensor to autonomously scan areas of interest for smoke/fire while conducting other tasks. Receive AI/ML-derived alerts with a location and quickly jump into manual scanning to validate the detection and alert others.


ISR / Aerial Survellance

Maritime Surveillance

Change Detection

Geospatial Analysis

Aerial Mapping

Fire Surveillance / Mapping

See How AEVEX Can Work For You.